Teaching Fellows Program

Become a Lead Teacher in One Year

Join our program

The Excel Teaching Fellow Program is a rigorous, in-house program for aspiring educators who want to build their skills, grow with the support of an experienced mentor, and provide high quality instruction to all students.

Becoming that teacher, the one who inspires and supports students, requires hard work, initiative, and a mindset centered on growth in service of student outcomes. Over the course of one academic year, the Teaching Fellows program equips aspiring teachers with the tools they need to launch a career as an effective classroom teacher.

the teaching Fellows program by the numbers

Teaching Fellows receive a full salary and comprehensive benefits


of Teaching Fellows identify as BIPOC

Hours of professional development during the academic year


of Teaching Fellows transition to a full-time role at Excel

Program Details

During the program

All Teaching Fellows receive:

  • Personalized Mentorship: Learn and grow with an experienced classroom teacher focused on your growth and development throughout the school year

  • Consistent Coaching: Participate in over 1000 hours of professional development, including weekly one-on-one coaching, classroom observation, and group training, to strengthen your practice

  • Hands-On Experience: Master classroom culture, lesson planning, and content delivery through real-world preparation and real-time feedback

  • Full Salary and Comprehensive Benefits: Fellows earn a salary of $52,000 in Massachusetts and $42,500 in Rhode Island. There is an opportunity to receive additional compensation of up to $5,000 for fluency in specific languages, special education and/or ESL certification, and/or key points of intersection with our students.

Program outcomes

by the end of the program

Teaching Fellows will be prepared to confidently transition to a lead teaching role because they will:

  • Build foundational skills in classroom culture and management and content instruction

  • Thrive in a supportive, diverse community of mentors and peers

  • Join a school community that rigorously prepares students to succeed in the college or career pathway of their choosing

director of teaching fellows program

It is easy for BIPOC educators to burn out, to feel like you
don’t have someone to support you. This program is special because it nurtures talent and creates space for our Fellows to focus on putting in the work to become strong classroom teachers for our students.”

Ash Barker, Director of the Teaching Fellows Program

Application Process

Positions are filled on a rolling basis, with applicants given priority as soon as they submit their application and resume. 

Excel Academy Charter Schools is committed to building a diverse staff that reflects the community that we serve. We strongly encourage applications from candidates whose experiences share important points of intersection with those of our students. Staff who demonstrate fluency in Spanish, Portuguese or Arabic will also receive additional compensation.

Excel Academy Charter Schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English language or a foreign language or prior academic achievement.

Apply Now


You will speak with someone from our Talent team to share about why you are interested in the Fellowship, what strengths you bring to the role, and learn more about more the Fellowship and Excel.

Select candidates will interview in person, lead a demonstration lesson with students, and observe and meet Excel teachers at one of our schools.
Fellow Candidates will be asked to provide professional references early in the interview process.
Contact Us With Questions About Career Opportunities at Excel

For questions about applying to the Teaching Fellows Program, contact Faith Eastman, feastman@excelacademy.org, Talent Recri

For questions about the Teaching Fellow Program, contact Ash Barker, abarker@excelacademy.org, Director of the Teaching Fellow Program.